Monday, 30 November 2009

Lots of vocabulary exercises

Lots of vocabulary exercises here.

Headway Elementary

Tons of exercises here.

Everyday English - from Headway

Try these exercises.

Vocabulary - from Headway

Lots of vocabulary exercises here.

Grammar from Headway - Future plans

1. Future plans
2. Present continuous for future

Exercises from Headway - Present Continuous

1. Present continuous - gap-fill
2. Present continuous - questions and answers.

More exercises (from Headway, more advanced 1)

1. can / can't, matching
2. requests, putting words in order.
3. Questions - everyday English.
4. like / would like, gap-fill

Past Simple exercises - from Headway

1. Past Simple irregular
2. was / were, multiple choice.
3. Past simple crossword.
4. Complete the sentences.

Even more grammar exercises (from Headway)

Making questions:
1. Question words.
2. Match the questions and answers.
3. Matching the questions and answers.
There is / There are
Put the words in order.

More grammar exercises (from Headway)

Mainly present tense:
1. Present simple - filling gaps.
2. Present simple - putting the words in order.
3. Present simple - complete the sentences.
4. Present simple - questions and answers.

Some grammar exercises (from Headway)

1. Present simple.
2. Present simple questions and answers.
3. am, are, is
4. am, are, is, questions and answers.
5. Personal information. (find the mistakes)
6. Match the questions and anwers.
7. Possessives (multiple choice)
8. Possessives, matching questions and answers.


Try these games from Headway.

Vocabulary quizzes

Try these vocabulary quizzes.

Verbs 3

Match the words and pictures.

Verbs 2

Match the words and pictures.

Verbs 1

Match the words and pictures.



Food and drink

A matching exercise.

Things in the house

1. Matching words and pictures. (Try the other exercises on this page too.)

New English File Elementary

New English File Elementary Online.

New English File Beginner Online

New English File Begninner Online.

I and You

Try this exercise on 'I' and 'You'.


Try this shopping vocabulary exercise.


Try this food vocabulary exercise.

Parts of the Body

Do you know the names for parts of the body? You can print the pictures.


Try these Shopping exercises.

Giving directions

Try these exercises on Giving Directions.

Personal Description

Try making the sentences in these exercises.
Describe people.
Describe Jane.
Describe Barry.
Describe Phil.

Hotels and Restaurants

Try these vocabulary exercises on Hotels and Restaurants.

The family

Do you know the words for people in a family?
See the words here.
Now try this exercise using opposites.
Now complete this family tree.

Days of the week

Do you remember how to write the days of the week?
Do this exercise to practise.

What time is it?

Try this exercise and answer the question: What time is it?
Read the examples and explanation here.


Can you write numbers? Practice here.

Present Simple tense

1. Make sentences with Present Simple here.